Have you found it challenging to get your day going?
You know…if your day starts out mentally rough, then the
rest of the day doesn’t look promising right?
But here’s’ the secret:
““When your brain works right, YOU work right.” ~Dr. Daniel Amen, MD”
Here are 5 brain foods that you can keep at your desk this week to make your “rough” days go smoother:
1) Walnuts (they look like little brains and have omega fats allowing your brain cells to fire at 250 miles/hour…WOWZAS!). Omegas are the key components to the brain cell membrane. The cell membrane is like a fortress protecting the castle that holds the cell together and regulates what goes in and out.
2) Blueberries– (a.k.a. “brain” berries)-These delicious spherical treats contain potent antioxidants that protects against brain cell damage and mental fog.
3) Trail mix for mental energy. Nuts & Seeds contain rich protein needed to make neurotransmitters (those molecules that allow our brain cells to communicate at 200 miles per hour). Some nuts and seeds also contain minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and omega fats that are crucial to keep brain cells functioning at their highest levels. You have 100 billion brain cells after all and they eat 20% of the body’s energy.
4) Low-fat String cheese–Protein is needed to balance out the carbs & rebuilding brain cells after wearing them out from all of the creating, thinking, and planning you’ll be doing all week.
5) Water–not a food but drink at least 100 oz. per day. Your brain is 80% water and brain molecules need to move across cells fast!!!! You have millions of wire cables in your brain that transport information for thinking, creating, decision-making, imagining, moving your body (motion starts in the brain), focusing…and …well you get the picture.
Do you have a favorite brain food? I’d love to add to the list (I’m a foodie after all). Leave a question or comment below.
Talk soon,
Shonte Jovan Taylor
~Mindset Success Coach & Neuroscientist